Ashlyne Huff

The Quick Little Quarantine Checkup

I don't know what you're up to during this time of quarantine, but I can bet you're thinking a lot. Thinking about the before, the now, the future and what it could hold.

You might be working out as much as you can at home to release some endorphins to stave off some anxiety (I am).

But here's the thing: I realized I still think a lot and still have anxiety after I work out or do the meditation or whatever. It doesn't last. This isn't new information. But it's sort of Groundhog Day every day right now, so it feels extra annoying.

In my experience, when I am looping or dwelling on something, that means there is something I need to take care of, something that needs to be cleaned up. And so, I created The Quick Little Quarantine Checkup. Oh, and it's free!

If you are looking to get some clarity around how you're feeling right now, I highly recommend doing it. Take the time or make the time for it. Clarity tends to bring peace. And peace is totally welcomed at all times, but especially right now.